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Many people suffer from loose or sagging skin around the neck area. This can reduce your self-esteem and lead to the undesirable “turkey neck.” However, with a neck lift, you can get rid of these unappealing effects. If you are looking to smooth and tighten your neck and jawline, then neck lift surgery may be the right option for you. Schedule a consultation today with Ponte Vedra Plastic Surgery in Jacksonville, FL to learn more about how our team can help you.

What does neck lift surgery consist of?

A neck lift removes the sagging skin, muscle bands, and excess fat to smooth and define your neck and jawline. This procedure can address many issues, like tightening loose skin, hanging skin, and the underlying muscle. An incision is made under your chin and either behind or in front of your ears. If you are planning on fat removal, then liposuction is the first step of your procedure. Next, the muscle in your neck will be pulled tight, and your skin is put back into place to achieve your desired results. Sutures are then placed within the neck wall, and your procedure is finished.

How noticeable will my scars be after my neck lift surgery?

While your results should be visible almost immediately, your scars will fade over time, and they are placed so that they are inconspicuous. It is best that patients keep from looking too far up, which can put a strain on the new incisions. The wounds from the procedure could take up to a year to fully heal. Once healed, most people find that the scars are barely noticeable. They are placed in such a way that unless someone is specifically looking for your incisions, it will be hard for them to see the scars within your hairline. If you think a neck lift is the right option for you, contact Ponte Vedra Plastic Surgery in Jacksonville, FL to learn how our team can help you achieve your dream look with a neck lift.

What is the recovery time for a neck lift surgery?

After your procedure, you may experience swelling for several weeks before it goes down. You will usually need around two weeks before you can resume your normal daily activities. You will have to wear a neck strap continuously while you recover, with a few exceptions, like eating, showering, and cleaning your incisions. This strap helps to improve any swelling you may experience after your surgery. You may experience some bruising and a tight feeling along your surgical areas. You may have to modify your work tasks to avoid any strenuous lifting, and extreme twisting and bending of your neck.

Where can I get neck lift surgery in Jacksonville, FL?

Your scars after your neck lift surgery should be virtually impossible to see unless someone knows exactly where to look for them. Our skilled surgeons place the incisions in and around the hairline and folds of your face to hide them in places as inconspicuously as possible. A neck lift surgery with our team can help to remove any excess skin, fat, and muscle that keep you from having a lifted and defined neck and jawline. Contact Ponte Vedra Plastic Surgery in Jacksonville, FL for a full consultation on the state of your plastic surgery needs.

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