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Everyone has something they don't like about their appearance. For example, you may feel self-conscious about a poor jawline or weak chin. Chin augmentation may be the answer if you’re unhappy with your facial features. Though some people are anxious that treatment might make their face appear pointy due to increased projection, this isn't the case! The board-certified surgeons at Ponte Vedra Plastic Surgery work hard to ensure natural outcomes you love.

There are several options for chin augmentation at our Jacksonville, FL clinic based on your cosmetic needs and goals. Read below to learn the details of chin augmentation and how you can avoid looking "pointy" after chin surgery.

How is chin augmentation performed?

Chin augmentation at Ponte Vedra Plastic Surgery may include strategically-placed silicone chin implants through an incision made just under the chin. Our team may create a surgical pocket to hold the chin implant, which may involve shaving a small amount of jawbone. Sutures are used to attach the implant to the chin bone. Depending on what's discussed during your consultation, we may also recommend using your own bone to augment and define the chin.

What are the benefits of chin augmentation?

You may never have considered chin augmentation before, but this procedure can enhance your appearance in a number of ways. First, you can improve your jawline by adding more definition to the chin. We can also give your face a more angular look if desired. By reshaping the chin, our team in Jacksonville, FL helps you achieve better proportions between your features.

Finally achieving the chin you've always wanted may lead to increased self-confidence and a boost in your social life. Some individuals even enjoy taking new profile photos after their procedure!

What is chin augmentation recovery like?

At Ponte Vedra Plastic Surgery, our team ensures you're well-informed about chin implants and chin surgery. To make sure recovery is smooth, we provide gentle guidance through the process at each step. This also allows you to avoid certain complications, like a pointy chin.

For the first few days after chin augmentation, expect to have some numbness and swelling. After returning home from surgery, apply ice on the treated area for 20 minutes every hour. This can reduce pain and inflammation more quickly.

You should also take all medications as prescribed by our board-certified surgeons. You'll need to avoid strenuous activities and make sure to get plenty of rest. We'll provide you with specific instructions after your procedure.

What are the possible risks and complications?

Every procedure at Ponte Vedra Plastic Surgery comes with some risks, even if they are small. For example, you could risk infection if you don't properly care for your incisions and sutures. This means there’s also a chance you may have undesirable results after chin augmentation. Rest assured that our surgeons are very experienced and have performed countless successful chin surgeries for patients. We can address any concerns as they come up.

Improve your jawline

What do you think? Will chin augmentation improve your jawline? Speak with our team of experts at Ponte Vedra Plastic Surgery and find out if this is the right procedure for your situation. We'll discuss what can be expected from chin surgery, recovery time frames, and more in Jacksonville, FL. Get in touch with our staff to see how we can help.

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