Over-the-counter products may not be enough to address sagging cheeks, wrinkles, and other signs of aging. While cosmetic injectables like BOTOX® are effective, they are also temporary. A more powerful tool may be necessary to achieve a youthful appearance. But when is the best time to turn to plastic surgery?

Many people may think facelift skin tightening surgery is reserved for patients in their 60s and 70s. However, individuals as young as their 30s and 40s could benefit from a mini facelift in Jacksonville, FL. Of course, this depends on your individual skin issues. Learn how treatment works from the professionals at Ponte Vedra Plastic Surgery. We are dedicated to providing long-lasting and remarkable results.

About mini facelift surgery

Young people produce collagen and elastin to keep skin smooth and firm. Unfortunately, we produce fewer of these proteins over time. This causes our skin to lose firmness and droop down. Facelift surgery removes excess skin and tightens the underlying tissues so your face appears more contoured. Problems like sagging cheeks start to improve.

A mini facelift is a less invasive version of full facelift surgery. It is designed for younger men and women who want to address moderate signs of aging but are not interested in drugstore solutions or temporary injections. Ponte Vedra Plastic Surgery has provided countless patients with the confidence they want with minimal scarring and downtime.

The best age for a mini facelift

There are no specific age requirements when it comes to getting skin tightening surgery. However, all patients must be adults in good health and should commit to certain guidelines, such as no smoking before and after surgery. Our team in Jacksonville, FL, can perform a health evaluation to see if you qualify for our procedures.

Most people notice facial changes as early as in their 30s. As aging continues throughout our 40s and 50s, you may see deeper creases and hanging skin. A mini facelift is perfect for patients who want to address these problems before they begin. The earlier the procedure is performed, the longer you will benefit from your facelift results.

Factors that affect aging

People of any age can get cosmetic surgery. Your unique rate of aging is the most important factor in determining when you should get a mini facelift. Some common factors we consider include:

  • Genetics: some men and women have genes that make them seem younger for a longer period of time. Others may appear older than they are.

  • Lifestyle: it is possible to speed up aging by making certain lifestyle choices. Unhealthy habits like smoking can wear out your complexion faster.

  • Climate: constant sun damage can accelerate aging more than the other factors combined. We recommend using sunscreen and wearing UV-resistant clothing when spending time outdoors.

Skin tightening surgery in Jacksonville

Some problems like sagging cheeks and hanging skin cannot be addressed without plastic surgery. If you are beginning to notice signs of aging like loose skin in the face, you can consider mini facelift surgery in Jacksonville, FL. No matter your age or cosmetic goals, the specialists at Ponte Vedra Plastic Surgery can perform a comprehensive evaluation and determine the best way to move forward.

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